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Research in the Joint Academic Partnership Communication | Media: How Do We Communicate in the Digital Era?

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The Joint Academic Partnership is guided by the following key question: “What impact does the digital revolution have on communication for the common good (journalism), and strategic communication (public relations) as well as on business models in the media?”

From a journalistic perspective, new fields of research are emerging that are being addressed by doctoral projects on topics such as digital journalism and online journalism, data journalism, computational and algorithmic journalism, cross-border journalism, immersive journalism, media convergence or disinformation and propaganda research. By the same token, from a strategic communication point of view, there are manifold doctoral projects, such as on corporate communication or strategic political communication (e.g., crisis or risk communication), on digital stakeholder management, on corporate foresight and issues management or on social media communication. In each case, we can explore issues on media ethics and those of media management. Further aspects of the research field include artificial intelligence, semantic web, and social bots, for instance.

Digital change in journalism and public affairs - our current research topics:

  • Digital journalism
  • Cross-border journalism
  • Immersive journalism
  • Economic journalism
  • Crisis communication
  • Media convergence
  • Propaganda research
  • Corporate communications
  • Media Management

Our PhD Projects

© Utsav Srestha / unsplash.com '
Katharina Schöppl
Katharina Schöppl
Ansbach University of Applied Sciences

Requirements for science communication. Analysis and optimisation of strategic communication measures against the background of their impact

Science in Germany is now confronted with considerable social challenges. In an era shaped by post-factuality, trust in science is declining and parts…




Ansbach University of Applied Sciences

Prof. Dr. Martin Müller

Head of public relation and corporate communication studies (PUK)


University of Passau

Prof. Dr. Oliver Hahn

Professor Oliver Hahn, PhD, is Professor of Journalism and Vice-Dean for Internationalization and Research in the Faculty of Arts and Humanities at the University of Passau, Germany. He is specialized in international comparative research of journalism, media and communication. He serves as Co-Vice-Chair of the Journalism Research and Education (JRE) section of the International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR) and as Liaison Officer to the World Journalism Education Council (WJEC).


Awais Ahmad
Awais Ahmad
University of Passau

Mass Media and Governance: Issues and Challenges to Free Press in contemporary Pakistan

The military dictators and elected representatives have almost always exploited and misused their powers and authority to control the press from open…




University of Passau

Prof. Dr. Oliver Hahn

Professor Oliver Hahn, PhD, is Professor of Journalism and Vice-Dean for Internationalization and Research in the Faculty of Arts and Humanities at the University of Passau, Germany. He is specialized in international comparative research of journalism, media and communication. He serves as Co-Vice-Chair of the Journalism Research and Education (JRE) section of the International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR) and as Liaison Officer to the World Journalism Education Council (WJEC).


Lukas Kick
Lukas Kick
University of Passau

Ethical dimensions of immersive journalism

As regards media coverage, 360° videos and virtual reality content are gaining ever greater significance. My thesis therefore deals with the ethical…




Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences

Prof. Dr. Barbara Brandstetter

Dr Barbara Brandstetter has been a professor for Economic Journalism at Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences since 2011. She is head of the Media & User Experience Competence Centre and is responsible for the focal area of Cross Media in the InformationManagement and Corporate Communications study programme. Barbara Brandstetter has long-standing professional experience as an editor in economic and financial editorial offices
(including Welt, Welt am Sonntag, Berliner Morgenpost). Her thematic focus lies in pension schemes, taxes, insurances, and financial investments. Her fields of research encompass business and consumer journalism, usability & UK as well as media economics. She studied romance studies (linguistics), economics, and journalism in Hamburg, and completed an economic traineeship at Axel Springer school of journalism. Barbara Brandstetter is a member of the administrative council of Stiftung Warentest (leading German consumer safety group), of the advisory committee of Marktwächter Finanzen and on the jury for journalistic prizes. Her reference book “Verbraucherjournalismus” (consumer
journalism) was published in 2014. In 2017, she published the textbook “Wirtschaft – Basiswissen für die Medienpraxis” (Economy – Basic Knowledge for Media Practice) (co-author: Steffen Range). Brandstetter writes a regular column on financial themes (asset issues) in the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung.


University of Passau

Prof. Dr. Oliver Hahn

Professor Oliver Hahn, PhD, is Professor of Journalism and Vice-Dean for Internationalization and Research in the Faculty of Arts and Humanities at the University of Passau, Germany. He is specialized in international comparative research of journalism, media and communication. He serves as Co-Vice-Chair of the Journalism Research and Education (JRE) section of the International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR) and as Liaison Officer to the World Journalism Education Council (WJEC).


Martin Ruske
Martin Ruske
Ansbach University of Applied Sciences

Crisis communication in accident and disaster scenarios. Optimising strategic communication measures as part of an effective crisis management against the background of increased potential for hazards and threats.

Under the conditions of novel and particularly strong dynamic crises with increasing asymmetric, regular as well as hybrid threats, crisis…




Ansbach University of Applied Sciences

Prof. Dr. Martin Müller

Head of public relation and corporate communication studies (PUK)


University of Passau

Prof. Dr. Oliver Hahn

Professor Oliver Hahn, PhD, is Professor of Journalism and Vice-Dean for Internationalization and Research in the Faculty of Arts and Humanities at the University of Passau, Germany. He is specialized in international comparative research of journalism, media and communication. He serves as Co-Vice-Chair of the Journalism Research and Education (JRE) section of the International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR) and as Liaison Officer to the World Journalism Education Council (WJEC).


Andreas Paulweber
Andreas Paulweber
University of the Bundeswehr Munich

Being German as a framed narrative? A constructive systemic approach.

“What we know about our society, indeed about the world in which we live, we learn from the media.” Whether this statement, formulated by Niklas…




University of Passau

Prof. Dr. Oliver Hahn

Professor Oliver Hahn, PhD, is Professor of Journalism and Vice-Dean for Internationalization and Research in the Faculty of Arts and Humanities at the University of Passau, Germany. He is specialized in international comparative research of journalism, media and communication. He serves as Co-Vice-Chair of the Journalism Research and Education (JRE) section of the International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR) and as Liaison Officer to the World Journalism Education Council (WJEC).


Michael Sengl
Michael Sengl
University of Passau

The influence of cross-media workflows in newsrooms on working conditions and the editorial output at the individual level

In my dissertation I want to examine what impact cross-media and convergence has on a journaist's work and quality of their reporting.




University of Passau

Prof. Dr. Ralf Hohlfeld

Lehrstuhl für Kommunikationswissenschaft


Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences

Prof. Dr. Barbara Brandstetter

Dr Barbara Brandstetter has been a professor for Economic Journalism at Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences since 2011. She is head of the Media & User Experience Competence Centre and is responsible for the focal area of Cross Media in the InformationManagement and Corporate Communications study programme. Barbara Brandstetter has long-standing professional experience as an editor in economic and financial editorial offices
(including Welt, Welt am Sonntag, Berliner Morgenpost). Her thematic focus lies in pension schemes, taxes, insurances, and financial investments. Her fields of research encompass business and consumer journalism, usability & UK as well as media economics. She studied romance studies (linguistics), economics, and journalism in Hamburg, and completed an economic traineeship at Axel Springer school of journalism. Barbara Brandstetter is a member of the administrative council of Stiftung Warentest (leading German consumer safety group), of the advisory committee of Marktwächter Finanzen and on the jury for journalistic prizes. Her reference book “Verbraucherjournalismus” (consumer
journalism) was published in 2014. In 2017, she published the textbook “Wirtschaft – Basiswissen für die Medienpraxis” (Economy – Basic Knowledge for Media Practice) (co-author: Steffen Range). Brandstetter writes a regular column on financial themes (asset issues) in the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung.


Thomas Eckerl
Thomas Eckerl
University of Passau

Panama Papers and football leaks. The way in which international research associations and publishing networks are transforming investigative journalism.

Panama, Paradise Papers and Football Leaks All of these publishing titles emerged as part of an international research cooperation. Over the years,…




Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences

Prof. Dr. Barbara Brandstetter

Dr Barbara Brandstetter has been a professor for Economic Journalism at Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences since 2011. She is head of the Media & User Experience Competence Centre and is responsible for the focal area of Cross Media in the InformationManagement and Corporate Communications study programme. Barbara Brandstetter has long-standing professional experience as an editor in economic and financial editorial offices
(including Welt, Welt am Sonntag, Berliner Morgenpost). Her thematic focus lies in pension schemes, taxes, insurances, and financial investments. Her fields of research encompass business and consumer journalism, usability & UK as well as media economics. She studied romance studies (linguistics), economics, and journalism in Hamburg, and completed an economic traineeship at Axel Springer school of journalism. Barbara Brandstetter is a member of the administrative council of Stiftung Warentest (leading German consumer safety group), of the advisory committee of Marktwächter Finanzen and on the jury for journalistic prizes. Her reference book “Verbraucherjournalismus” (consumer
journalism) was published in 2014. In 2017, she published the textbook “Wirtschaft – Basiswissen für die Medienpraxis” (Economy – Basic Knowledge for Media Practice) (co-author: Steffen Range). Brandstetter writes a regular column on financial themes (asset issues) in the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung.


University of Passau

Prof. Dr. Oliver Hahn

Professor Oliver Hahn, PhD, is Professor of Journalism and Vice-Dean for Internationalization and Research in the Faculty of Arts and Humanities at the University of Passau, Germany. He is specialized in international comparative research of journalism, media and communication. He serves as Co-Vice-Chair of the Journalism Research and Education (JRE) section of the International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR) and as Liaison Officer to the World Journalism Education Council (WJEC).


Thorsten Vellmerk
University of the Bundeswehr Munich

Narration research in the delicate balance between (counter-) public spheres, media manipulation and propaganda




University of Passau

Prof. Dr. Oliver Hahn

Professor Oliver Hahn, PhD, is Professor of Journalism and Vice-Dean for Internationalization and Research in the Faculty of Arts and Humanities at the University of Passau, Germany. He is specialized in international comparative research of journalism, media and communication. He serves as Co-Vice-Chair of the Journalism Research and Education (JRE) section of the International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR) and as Liaison Officer to the World Journalism Education Council (WJEC).


David Castro Lotero
David Castro Lotero
University of Passau

Immersive media and war reporting: uses, potentials and challenges of 360° video to narrate armed conflicts

This research analyses the uses, potentials, and challenges of 360° video in narrating armed conflicts, using the Colombian armed conflict as a case…




University of Passau

Prof. Dr. Oliver Hahn

Professor Oliver Hahn, PhD, is Professor of Journalism and Vice-Dean for Internationalization and Research in the Faculty of Arts and Humanities at the University of Passau, Germany. He is specialized in international comparative research of journalism, media and communication. He serves as Co-Vice-Chair of the Journalism Research and Education (JRE) section of the International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR) and as Liaison Officer to the World Journalism Education Council (WJEC).


Our completed PhD Projects

© Utsav Srestha / unsplash.com '

finished PhD projects

Maximilian Eder
Maximilian Eder
University of the Bundeswehr Munich

Political journalists on Twitter: A framing analysis of the Ibiza Affair in German-Austrian comparison

In the past, various studies have examined the use of Twitter by journalists. Thus, in addition to differentiated debates with contributions in social…




University of Passau

Prof. Dr. Ralf Hohlfeld

Lehrstuhl für Kommunikationswissenschaft


Katholische Universität Eichstätt-Ingolstadt

Prof. Dr. Annika Sehl

Prof. Dr. Annika Sehl ist Inhaberin des Lehrstuhls für Journalistik mit dem Schwerpunkt Medienstrukturen und Gesellschaft an der Katholischen Universität Eichstätt-Ingolstadt und Research Associate am Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism der Universität Oxford. Zudem ist sie Co-Leitung des Zentrums für Ethik der Medien und der digitalen Gesellschaft (zem::dg). Sie ist Vice Chair der Journalism Studies Division der International Communication Association (ICA) und Associate Editor der 2019 in drei Bänden erschienenen International Encyclopedia of Journalism Studies (Wiley-ICA). Ihre Forschung wurde in internationalen peer-reviewten Journals wie dem European Journal of Communication, Journalism, Journalism Studies oder der International Communication Gazette publiziert. Als ausgebildete Redakteurin (N24) verfügt sie zudem über praktische Erfahrungen im Journalismus und saß über mehrere Jahre in Jurys des renommierten Grimme-Preises. Aktuell ist sie Mitglied im Projektteam Lokaljournalisten des Lokaljournalistenprogramms der Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung. 


Lea Sophia Lehner
Lea Sophia Lehner
University of Passau

Crossmedialität in öffentlich-rechtlichen Sendeanstalten

Mit dem Beginn eines digitalen Informationstransfers wurde nicht nur Mediengeschichte geschrieben, sondern ein Paradigmenwechsel in der Medienbranche…




Katholische Universität Eichstätt-Ingolstadt

Prof. Dr. Annika Sehl

Prof. Dr. Annika Sehl ist Inhaberin des Lehrstuhls für Journalistik mit dem Schwerpunkt Medienstrukturen und Gesellschaft an der Katholischen Universität Eichstätt-Ingolstadt und Research Associate am Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism der Universität Oxford. Zudem ist sie Co-Leitung des Zentrums für Ethik der Medien und der digitalen Gesellschaft (zem::dg). Sie ist Vice Chair der Journalism Studies Division der International Communication Association (ICA) und Associate Editor der 2019 in drei Bänden erschienenen International Encyclopedia of Journalism Studies (Wiley-ICA). Ihre Forschung wurde in internationalen peer-reviewten Journals wie dem European Journal of Communication, Journalism, Journalism Studies oder der International Communication Gazette publiziert. Als ausgebildete Redakteurin (N24) verfügt sie zudem über praktische Erfahrungen im Journalismus und saß über mehrere Jahre in Jurys des renommierten Grimme-Preises. Aktuell ist sie Mitglied im Projektteam Lokaljournalisten des Lokaljournalistenprogramms der Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung. 


University of Passau

Prof. Dr. Ralf Hohlfeld

Lehrstuhl für Kommunikationswissenschaft




  • Castro Lotero, A. D. (2023) (accepted for publication). Virtual Reality and War Reporting: Uses, Potential and Challenges of 360° Video to Narrate Armed Conflict. Akita International University Global Review. 14(1).

  • Castro Lotero, A. D. (2023) (accepted for publication). Immersive media and war reporting: uses, potentialities and challenges of 360° video to narrate armed conflicts. Digital Journalism, 11.

  • Heinke, E & Sengl, M. (2023). Teaching Journalism Literacy in Schools: The Role of Media Companies as Media Educators in Germany. Media and Communication, 11(2). doi.org/10.17645/mac.v11i2.6389

  • Hohlfeld, R., Lehner, L. S. & Sengl, M. (2023). Editorial Convergence Equals Lower News Content Diversity? A Mixed-Methods-Study Assessing Organization and Reporting of German Newspapers. Journalism Practice, 1–20. doi.org/10.1080/17512786.2023.2187860

  • Fox, M., Helbardt, S., Hahn, O., & Krebs, F. (2023). “Burmese Days” of Digitalization: From a Decade’s Dream of Myanmar’s Modern Journalistic Culture and Media System in the Making to a Press Freedom’s Nightmare of the Military Putsch in 2021. In: Bebawi, S., Onilov, O. (Eds.), Different Global Journalisms: Cultures and Contexts (S. 35-61). Cham: Springer International Publishing.


  • Hahn, O., Eckerl, T. & Lönnendonker, J. (2022). Cross-Border Journalism in Europe: The Metamorphosis from Transnationalization to Re-Nationalization. In: M. Löffelholz, L. Rothenberger & D. Weaver (Eds.), The Palgrave Handbook of Cross-Border Journalism. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan. (Im Erscheinen)

  • Brandstetter, B., Krone, J. & Lischka, J. (2022): Digital News Distribution and Intermediaries. In Karmasin, M., Diehl, S. & Koinig, I. (Hrsg.), Media and Change Management. Cham: Springer.

  • Ahmad, A. (2022). Code of ethics for electronic media in Pakistan. Technium Social Sciences Journal, 29, 198-211.


  • Lehner, L. S. & Hohlfeld, R. (2021). ‚Das System heißt Mensch‘. Eine Studie zum crossmedialen Arbeiten in den Redaktionen lokaler Radiosender in Niederbayern. In M. Behmer & V. Katzenberger (Hrsg.), Vielfalt vor Ort: Die Entwicklung des privaten Rundfunks in Bayern (S. 435-456). Bamberg: University of Bamberg Press.

  • Lehner, L. S. (2021). Wissenssoziologische Untersuchungen zum Suizid – mit Blick auf Pierre Bourdieu. In T. Benkel & M. Meitzler (Hrsg.), Wissenssoziolgie des Todes (S. 248-267). Weinheim: Beltz Juventa.


  • Fernández Quijada, D., Sehl, A. & Eder, M. (2020). Research Review. News and Journalism (May-October). Genf: EBU Media Intelligence Service (MIS).

  • Fernández Quijada, D., Sehl, A. & Eder, M. (2020). Research Review. News and Journalism (November-April). Genf: EBU Media Intelligence Service (MIS).

  • Sehl, A. & Eder, M. (2020). Editorial Analytics. Chancen und Herausforderungen für den digitalen Nachrichtenjournalismus. In: T. Köhler (Hrsg.). Fake News, Framing, Fact-Checking. Nachrichten im digitalen Zeitalter. Bielefeld: Transcript.

  • Hohlfeld, R., Harnischmacher, M., Heinke, E., Lehner, L. S. & Sengl, M. (Hrsg.) (2020.). Fake News und Desinformation: Herausforderungen für die vernetzte Gesellschaft und die empirische Forschung. Baden-Baden: Nomos. https://doi.org/10.5771/9783748901334

  • Hohlfeld, R., Harnischmacher, M., Heinke, E., Lehner, L. S. & Sengl, M. (2020). "Gates noch?" – Die Antwort auf den Systemfehler Desinformation könnte der Gateadvisor sein. In R. Hohlfeld, M. Harnischmacher, E. Heinke, M. Sengl & L. S. Lehner (Hrsg.)(2020), Fake News und Desinformation: Herausforderungen für die vernetzte Gesellschaft und die empirische Forschung (S. 9-20). Baden-Baden: Nomos. https://doi.org/10.5771/9783748901334-9.

  • Lehner, L. S. (2020). Social Media – Vox populi oder Forum der Agitatoren? Elementare Aufgaben-, Wirkungs- und Problemfelder sozialer Netzwerke im syrischen Bürgerkrieg. In R. Hohlfeld, M. Harnischmacher, E. Heinke, M. Sengl & L. S. Lehner (Hrsg.), Fake News und Desinformation: Herausforderungen für die vernetzte Gesellschaft und die empirische Forschung (S. 135-154). Baden-Baden: Nomos. https://doi.org/10.5771/9783748901334-135.

  • Lehner, L. S. (2020). Die Videoerstellung. In JFF – Institut für Medienpädagogik in Forschung und Praxis (Hrsg.), Inklusiv digital. Die Potenziale von Digitalisierung im pädagogisch-pflegerischen Arbeitsfeld. Abschlussbericht zum Projekt (S. 21-23). München. Online verfügbar: https://www.jff.de/veroeffentlichungen/detail/inklusiv-digital-2/ [25.05.2020].

  • Lehner, L. S. (2020). Überprüfung der Gebrauchstauglichkeit: Usability-Test. In JFF – Institut für Medienpädagogik in Forschung und Praxis (Hrsg.), Inklusiv digital. Die Potenziale von Digitalisierung im pädagogisch-pflegerischen Arbeitsfeld. Abschlussbericht zum Projekt (S. 47-58). München. Online verfügbar: https://www.jff.de/veroeffentlichungen/detail/inklusiv-digital-2/ [25.05.2020].

  • Holzer, S. & Sengl, M. (2020). Quelle gut, alles gut? Glaubwürdigkeitsbeurteilung im digitalen Raum. In R. Hohlfeld, M. Harnischmacher, E. Heinke, L. S. Lehner & M. Sengl (Hrsg.), Fake News und Desinformation: Herausforderungen für die vernetzte Gesellschaft und die empirische Forschung, 157-178. Baden-Baden: Nomos. https://doi.org/10.5771/9783748901334-155 

  • Heinke, E. & Sengl, M. (2020). Medienkompetenzvermittler: Die Rolle von Medienunternehmen in der Schule. In R. Hohlfeld, M. Harnischmacher, E. Heinke, L. S. Lehner & M. Sengl (Hrsg.), Fake News und Desinformation: Herausforderungen für die vernetzte Gesellschaft und die empirische Forschung (S. 341-361). Baden-Baden: Nomos. https://doi.org/10.5771/9783748901334-341

  • Brandstetter, B., Fürsich, M. (2020): Easy access? The Usability of the Payment Processes for Paywalls on Newspaper Websites and the Online Kiosk Blendle: A Comparative Analysis. In Böhm, S., Suntrayuth, S. (Hrsg.), Proceedings of the IWEMB 2019 (S. 71-92). Norderstedt: PubliQation.

  • Ahmad, A., & Islam, J. (2020). Peace Journalism Versus Embedded Journalism in Pakistan with a Detailed Historical Perspective. Quantum Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 1(3), 13-25.



  • Eckerl, T., & Hahn, O. (2018). Die Selfie-Seite der Macht. Instagram in der politischen Kommunikation in Deutschland. In: M. Oswald & M. Johann (Hrsg.), Strategische Politische Kommunikation im digitalen Wandel. Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven auf ein dynamisches Forschungsfeld. Wiesbaden: Springer VS.

  • Lehner, L. S., Meyenberg, I. (2018). Trauerfall Schwangerschaft. Sozialwissenschaftliche Beobachtungen zur Kontroverse um das 'Erlanger Baby'. In T. Benkel & M. Meitzler (Hrsg.), Zwischen Leben und Tod. Sozialwissenschaftliche Grenzgänge (S. 69-90). Wiesbaden: Springer VS.


Get in touch. We look forward to your questions and ideas for our Joint Academic Partnership Media and Communications.

Mandy Fox

Mandy Fox

Koordinatorin BayWISS-Verbundkolleg Kommunikation & Medien

Universität Passau
Philosophische Fakultät
Professur für Journalistik
Centre for Media and Communication
Innstr. 33a
94032 Passau

Telephone: +49 851 5092999