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BayWISS-Kolleg Communication | Media www.baywiss.de

© Mario Calvo / unsplash.com'

BayWISS Retreat for Doctoral Candidates: 24 - 25 October 2024, Bildungshaus Bernried

The following is merely an English translation of our German news item.

Objectives of the retreat:

This retreat offers you the opportunity to intensively work on your scientific texts under the guidance of Frau Elisabeth Grenzebach. You will train scientific structuring rules, convincing syntax and concise wording. You will receive an analysis of your own texts, study the differences that exist between scientific and popular scientific writing and learn how to improve your personal style of writing. Don’t miss this chance to make personal progress and to receive professional guidance as well as feedback in this inspiring setting.


Event details:

Date: 24 October 2024, 1:00 p.m. to 25 October 2024, 4:00 p.m.

Venue: Bildungshaus Bernried, https://www.bildungshaus-bernried.de/

Workshop lead by: Frau Elisabeth Grenzebach, https://wortwirtschaft.de/



Standard accommodation is a double room. Singe rooms are available for an additional charge of €26.00 – to be paid at the retreat.



Please register via the following link (registration is binding): https://eveeno.com/168759650

The number of participants is limited to 16 people. Deadline for registering is 1 August 2024. We will keep a waiting list so that there is the possibility of receiving a place at short notice should another person be unable to attend.


Important information:

Participation is binding.

Cancellation for no valid reason might result in cancellation charges.


We very much hope that you will be able to seize this opportunity for professional development and for entering into dialogue with other doctoral candidates.


If you have any questions, you are very welcome to contact Mandy Fox (kommunikation-medien.vk(at)baywiss.de) and Andre Strotmann (andre.strotmann(at)hm.edu).



Get in touch. We look forward to your questions and ideas for our Joint Academic Partnership Media and Communications.

Mandy Fox

Mandy Fox

Koordinatorin BayWISS-Verbundkolleg Kommunikation & Medien

Universität Passau
Philosophische Fakultät
Professur für Journalistik
Centre for Media and Communication
Innstr. 33a
94032 Passau

Telephone: +49 851 5092999