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Trägerhochschule University of Passau

© Universität Passau / Universität Passau'


The University of Passau stands for excellent research and outstanding study conditions in one of the most beautiful cities in Germany. Cosmopolitanism and diversity are essential components of this excellence. Passau combines science, culture, and entrepreneurial spirit in a unique way. This close networking is one of our greatest strengths.

Students from more than 100 countries study here at four faculties. Many courses are interdisciplinary and cross-faculty. With over 260 partner universities worldwide, numerous double degree programmes and a broad and subject-specific range of foreign languages, the university creates a strong international focus. A distinctly welcoming culture and the creation of excellent working conditions for all members – especially for students and early career researchers – are central objectives of the university. Its graduates benefit from a global network for life.

The University of Passau was founded in 1978 as a so-called borderland university at the tri-border region, and quite literally had the theme of Europe in sight with its immediate border with Austria and proximity to the Iron Curtain. This history is addressed by the thematic focus and transferred in research and teaching into a modern intercultural profile with European emphasis.

The European responsibility for finding common solution strategies for the global challenges of our time has increasingly led to our research addressing development issues and has given rise to the Master’s degree programme in Development Studies spanning different faculties. The location of the campus in the middle of the FFH territory (Natura 2000), a highly efficient building technology and a conscious use of natural resources create the framework for this.

Since 2011, the University of Passau has consistently focused on another global development: the social impact of digitalisation. The expansion programme Technik Plus and the second phase of the successful DFG Graduate Research Training Group Privacy led to the emergence of sustainable impulses for interdisciplinary collaboration among faculties, with an emphasis on creating synergies between the humanities and computer science.


Prof. Dr. Ulrich Bartosch

Prof. Dr. Ulrich Bartosch

The university is a member of the following BayWISS Joint Academic Partnerships:

Economics and Business

Communication & Media


Social Change

Life Sciences and Green Technologies


Currently 2 professors of University of Passau are active members in our Joint Academic Partnership Communication & Media.

Prof. Dr. Oliver Hahn

Prof. Dr. Oliver Hahn

University of Passau

Prof. Dr. Ralf Hohlfeld

University of Passau

Doctoral Candidates

Currently 5 doctoral candidates of our Joint Academic Partnership Communication & Media are being supervised at University of Passau as part of our cooperative model "Verbundpromotion".

Awais Ahmad

Awais Ahmad

University of Passau

David Castro Lotero

David Castro Lotero

University of Passau

Thomas Eckerl

Thomas Eckerl

University of Passau

Lukas Kick

Lukas Kick

University of Passau

Michael Sengl

Michael Sengl

University of Passau


Lea Sophia Lehner

Lea Sophia Lehner

University of Passau

Zentrale Stellen, Service und Beratung

Press and Communications

Promotionsberatung für Studierende und Absolvent*innen an der University of Passau

Bei Ihrem Start in die Promotion unterstützt die Universität Passau online mit einem Informationsangebot, mit Veranstaltungen und einem persönlichen Beratungsangebot.


Raum N12 108
Nikolastraße 12

Academic Life Long Learning

Wissenschaftliche Weiterbildung und Lebenslanges Lernen

University of Passau

Wir verstehen uns als Vermittler*innen und Koordinator*innen zwischen an Weiterbildung interessierten Einzelpersonen oder Unternehmen und den von den Fakultäten der Universität geschaffenen Weiterbildungsangeboten.

Dabei bieten wir Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftlern der Universität Passau unsere Unterstützung dabei an, mit innovativen Angeboten den Wissenstransfer in Form von wissenschaftlicher Weiterbildung zu ermöglichen.

Im Bereich der wissenschaftlichen Weiterbildung hat die Universität Passau verlässliche Partner*innen in der Deutschen Gesellschaft für wissenschaftliche Weiterbildung und Fernstudium e. V. (DGWF) und ihren Mitgliedern.

Zukunft: Karriere und Kompetenzen


Get in touch. We look forward to your questions and ideas for our Joint Academic Partnership Media and Communications.

Mandy Fox

Mandy Fox

Koordinatorin BayWISS-Verbundkolleg Kommunikation & Medien

Universität Passau
Philosophische Fakultät
Professur für Journalistik
Centre for Media and Communication
Innstr. 33a
94032 Passau

Telephone: +49 851 5092999